1500 Pts - Raven Guard Army 3rd Company

Unit Name ## WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Save Cost
Talonus (Chapl) 1 5 5 4 4 2 5 3/4 9 3+/4(I)+ 111
Independent Character; Crozius Arcanum; Plasma Pistol (x1); Rosarius
  Jump Pack Move 12", ignoring terrain. Deep Strike if allowed. If model enters difficult terrain, roll a D6- on a 1 it crashes and is removed. Flee & pursue 3d6". [20]
  Frag Grenades Fight simultaneosly with troops in cover. Models with Power Fists still go last. [1]
  Melta Bombs When assaulting vehicles or immobile Dreadnoughts, model may make 1 attack with an AP of 8+2D6. [5]
Scout Squad (Troops) 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2* 8 4+ 90
Infiltrate if allowed (as long as no Apothecary or Techmarine is present); Roll an extra D6 when moving through difficult terrain; Bolt Pistol & CCWep. (x2); Sniper Rifle (x1); Missile Launcher (x1)
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 4+ [13]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.
Scout Squad (Troops) 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2* 8 4+ 85
Infiltrate if allowed (as long as no Apothecary or Techmarine is present); Roll an extra D6 when moving through difficult terrain; Bolt Pistol & CCWep. (x2); Shotgun (x1); Shotgun; Missile Launcher (x1)
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 4+ [13]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.
Tactical Squad (Troops) 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 171
Bolter (x7); Lascannon (x1); Flamer (x1)
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 3+ [15]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.
Tactical Squad (Troops) 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 171
Bolter (x7); Lascannon (x1); Flamer (x1)
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 3+ [15]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.
Tactical Squad (Troops) 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 171
Bolter (x7); Lascannon (x1); Flamer (x1)
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 3+ [15]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.
Tactical Squad (Troops) 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 171
Bolter (x7); Lascannon (x1); Flamer (x1)
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 3+ [15]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.
Assault Squad (Fast Attack) 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2** 8 3+ 265
Bolt Pistol & CCWep. (x5); Plasma P. & CC Wep. (x2); Frag Grenades; Jump Packs
  Veteran Sergeant 1 4 4 4/8 4 1 4 2/3 9 3+ [80]
Frag Grenades; Jump Packs; Plasma Pistol (x1); Power Fist (x1)
Assault Squad (Fast Attack) 7 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2** 8 3+ 265
Bolt Pistol & CCWep. (x5); Plasma P. & CC Wep. (x2); Frag Grenades; Jump Packs
  Veteran Sergeant 1 4 4 4/8 4 1 4 2/3 9 3+ [80]
Frag Grenades; Jump Packs; Plasma Pistol (x1); Power Fist (x1)
Option Footnotes:
  Bolt Pistol 12"R, S4, AP5, Pistol.
  Bolter 24"R, S4, AP5, Rapid Fire.
  CC Weapon +1A if used with another CCW / pistol.
  Crozius Arcanum No armour save in close combat.
  Flamer Template, S4, AP5, Assault 1.
  Frag Grenades When attacking troops in cover, both sides go simultaneosly. Power Fists still go last.
  Lascannon 48"R, S9, AP2, Heavy 1.
  Missile Launcher 48" R- (S8, AP3, Heavy 1) OR (S4, AP6, Heavy 1, Blast).
  Plasma Pistol 12" R, S7, AP2, Pistol. Overheats- if you roll a '1' to hit, make a save or take a wound.
  Power Fist Always go last. No armour save. Doubles strength.
  Shotgun 12"R, S3, AP-, Assault 2.
  Sniper Rifle 36"R, Wounds on 4+, AP6. Hits on 2+.
Total Army Cost: 1500 Pts.
Surgical Strike; Bitter
If Deep Strike is allowed, the army may deploy in Drop Pods.
And They Shall Know No Fear rules apply to all Space Marines.

Models in Army: 67

Validation Results:
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Troop Type Count Unused Points Unused Percent
HQ (>=1unit <=2unit) 1 1 111 1389 7%
Elite (<=3unit) 0 3 0 1500 0%
Troops (>=2unit <=6unit) 6 0 859 641 57%
Fst. Atck. (<=3unit) 2 1 530 970 35%
Hvy. Supp. (<=3unit) 0 3 0 1500 0%
Other (N/A) 0 n/a 0 1500 0%
Equipment Summary 3 n/a 26 n/a 1%

Roster created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Lone Wolf Development, Inc.